Passionate Support Ltd

Passionate Support Ltd

Passionate Support Ltd is a CQC registered home care company. We provide personal care to customers in the comfort of their homes. Our team comprises of experienced Nurses, experienced Social Worker and experienced carers and support workers. The Social Worker does the robust assessments in line with The Care Act, and ensures that your care needs are fully assessed. They also carry out Mental Capacity Assessments and works with you to come up with a robust support plan that is tailor-made to you. We will ensure all your needs are safely and adequately met.

We aim at maximising our clients’ privacy and dignity. We also respect our clients’ independence and we promote it. Our clients are empowered to choose how and when they want to be supported. They are also empowered to live their life as they want. We liaise with other professionals involved in your care. We value client ‘s personal and religious values. Our service is safe, responsive effective, caring and inclined towards the satisfaction of our service users.

Our Services:

a) Home Care (Elderly Care)
Home Care, also known as Domiciliary care, is when care is delivered in the comfort of your home.This is the opposite if care home and/or residential care, as it allows you to be supported in your environment.

We are mindful that home care is not a one-size fits all service. We therefore provide person-centred care and support people in their homes with:

– personal care.

– cleaning teeth and brushing teeth., managing continence wear.

– Getting appropriately dressed

– medication.

– managing food and fluid intake. This also covers supporting people with hot balanced meals.

-promoting their independence and improving on their skills.

– ensuring they are in a safe environment.

– ensuring they are in a clean environment.

– laundry.

– budgeting and shopping.

– accessing medical appointments.

– accessing the community to be involved in the activities of interest, such as morning coffee, meals out, bowling, swimming.

– visiting friends and relatives.

– running some errands such as medication collection, collecting your groceries.

b) Home Care (Supporting Adults with Learning Disabilities) .

What is is this service?
This is when we support adults with learning disabilities to live independently in the comfort of their homes.

Our Service works with these adults to:

– promote their independence.


– dignity.

– access the community.
– support them form and maintain relationships.
– improve their social skills, as well as improving skills related to activities of daily living.

We also provide person-centred care in:

– personal care.

– cleaning teeth and brushing teeth.

– Getting appropriately dressed

– medication.

– managing food and fluid intake. We support people plan healthy meals, do food shopping, store food items appropriately and we actually do the cooking with them.

– This helps them learn/improve the living skills and prepares them to be independent.

– ensuring they are in a safe environment.

– ensuring they are in a clean environment.

– laundry.

– budgeting and shopping.

– accessing medical appointments.

– accessing the community where they are supported to be involved in activities of interest. These include, swimming, bowling, gardening, having meals out, watching movies, visiting friends and family, going on holidays.

C) Live-in Care
What is live-in care?

This is when you have an experienced carer living with you at home. This carer supports you with all your identified needs, aiming at keeping you independent in the familiarity of your home.

If you need this kind of support, then live-in care is for you.We provide the care round the clock. We form a good rapport with you and your family, providing companionship, while you enjoy the support you need in the place you love.

Our Live-in-care services include:

– support with personal care ie, bathing/showering, oral hygiene, hair brushing, toileting/managing continence wear.

– getting appropriately dressed.

– managing food and fluid intake, including preparation of hot balanced meals.

– Cleaning and laundry.

– accessing the community for shopping, visiting friends/family and getting involved in activities you like, such as lunch clubs, coffee mornings.

– care overnight.

– companionship.

Why is this type of care important?

– first and foremost, it keeps you in your loved home, and in a familiar environment.

– Your care is personalised to you, where you are supported to do things the way you like, at the times you prefer. This healthy for your mental health and wellbeing, as opposed to being in a care home where you live with people you are not familiar with, and eat foods you are unfamiliar with, at the times you are unfamiliar with. This type of care empowers you and promotes you independence.

d) Respite Care
What is Respite Care?
Do you need to take a break and go on holiday? At Passionate Support, we are aware that caring for someone can be exhausting. This is where we come in to provide Respite care, a short-term support package, where we support your loved one in the comfort of their home, while you take a break to rejuvenate. We are available to support your loved one at home, while you also take good care of yourself. Our carers are experienced and compassionate, giving you that peace of mind, which you so deserve.

Benefits of Respite Care
– having experienced and compassionate staff to care for your love one, will enable you to take the much deserved break, where you can relax and recuperate from hard work.

– Respite care is also beneficial to the cared for person, as they will have to do things differently, with a different person. It is good for you , as a carer, and the cared for person to have a break from each other. This will strengthen you relationship when you meet again, which is a great thing for your mental health and wellbeing.

e)Positive Frame of Mind
“A Positive Frame of Mind can Manifest Positive things in one’s life.”

Many a times, people people are isolated, and all they do is sit in front-of a television screen in which they take solace.

At Passionate Support, we strongly believe that a positive mind is the catalyst to someone’s ability to do positive things in their life. To help our clients step into that direction of mind positivity, we encourage and support them to be involved in indoor games that stimulate the mind.. These include puzzles, dominos, card games, art, colouring, block builders. We liaise with families so we get to know what games their loved ones like, which can help stimulate their brain.

e)Physical Activities
Physical activities help promote health and fitness. Our carers support clients to be involved in physical activities, if they have the ability and interest. We support people to be involved in walking and dancing, depending on their interest.

Such activities are good as they help:

– reduce stress levels.

– promote the management of high blood pressure, obesity.

– reduce depression.

Please get in touch via our enquiry form or call us on 03300437015.


Mr S

Passionate staff are passionate. My mother had person-centred care and she was the focus during all shift. The lady attending was kind, supportive, talking to my mother and was willing to help whenever possible. Very prompt on time, respected my mother and asked whenever unsure.

I would recommend Passionate Support Ltd to other people looking for support for their loved ones. Great personalised care.

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